Position title
Terms of Reference for printing books for documenting KCHS interventions at household level.
Project Title: USAID’s Keeping Children Healthy and Safe (KCHS) Activity
Activity: USAID’s Keeping Children Healthy and Safe (KCHS) is a five-year project (2020-2025) extended 2 years to end September 2027 funded by USAID/PEPFAR supporting up to 100,108 of the most vulnerable children, youths, and their caregivers in 28 Districts and 2 cities of Southwestern and Central Uganda to become healthier, better educated, more resilient and safer.


KCHS Social Workers and community structures conduct home visits at household level and document interventions using designed tools however there is no documented evidence that remains at the household. The booklet that we intend to print is to enable the Activity have documented evidence at household level so that interventions provided are guided by the household improvement plan.

Procurement needs: 13,800 booklets branded according to KCHS branding strategy and marking plan (see header) will be printed on A3 size papers with soft lamination, 10 pages, the front top cover and back pages should be water proof and coloured.

After the contract award, the content to be printed will be provided.

Delivery location TPO Regional Office in Mbarara City, Plot 28 Mubangizi road, Kamukuzi division.


The interested firms are hereby invited to review the full TOR below. Payment terms is within 30 days upon submission of the efris tax invoice after the service delivery. 


TPO Uganda through its USAID’s Keeping Children Healthy and Safe (KCHS) Activity/project invites reputable and capable bidders to submit expressions of interest for printing 13,800 copies of case management booklets.

The USAID’s Keeping Children Healthy and Safe (KCHS) activity is a five-year project (2020-2025) – now extended 2 years to end September 2027 funded by USAID/PEPFAR. The project is supporting up to 100,108 of the most vulnerable children, youths, and their caregivers in 28 Districts and 2 cities of Southwestern and Central Uganda to become healthier, better educated, more resilient and safer. The case management booklets are intended to be used by Social Workers and community structures during follow ups and home visits. This will enable project team to create evidence at household level so that interventions provided are guided by the household improvement plan.

Scope and specification of the Assignment

  1. Print 13,800 copies of case management booklets on A3 size papers with soft lamination.
  2. Each booklet contains 10 pages
  3. The front top cover and back pages should be water proof and coloured.
  4. The branding of the booklet shall be according to USAID approved KCHS branding strategy and marking plan (see header on the pdf below)
  5. After the contract award, the content to be printed will be provided.
  6. The printed booklets shall be delivered to TPO Regional Office in Mbarara City, Plot 28 Mubangizi road, Kamukuzi division.
  7. The interested firms are hereby invited to review the full TOR on the TPO Uganda website tpou.org.
  8. Payment terms is within 30 days upon submission of the efris tax invoice after the service delivery


  • The bidder must demonstrate experience in printing services for atleast 5 years
  • Ability to meet deadlines and handle large-volume printing.

 Submission detail: Reputable service providers capable of providing printing services must submit their quotation in local currency via email to Procurement Manager, procurement@tpoug.org

Deadline for submitting quotations is 11th September 2024.

Download a pdf advert here


Job Location
Date posted
September 5, 2024
Valid through
September 11, 2024
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