Position title
Clinical Psychologist

TPO Uganda is a National humanitarian and Development    Non-Governmental    Organization (NGO) that has been delivering services to vulnerable communities in Uganda since 1994. This 2024, TPO Uganda celebrates 30 years of transforming lives in Uganda and beyond. Our work covers; Mental, Neurological and Substance Use Disorders  (MNS); Child Care and  Protection; Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Mitigation; HIV/AIDS  Prevention, Care and Support; Disaster Risk Prevention and Response; Livelihoods Support; and, Organizational Development and Sustainability.

Over the years, TPO Uganda has grown into a respectable National NGO with a demonstrable track record in up to 46 Districts spread across seven sub-regions as at May 2024.

TPO Uganda is now seeking applications for the following position under the Project; 'Provision of Specialized Mental  Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) services for GBV survivors in  Bidibidi, Rhino,  Imvepi and Kyaka settlements' Project.

Position: Clinical    Psychologist
No 3  persons
Reports    to: Project Coordinator  as line  supervisor MHPSS   Supervisor as overall supervisor
Location: Bidibidi, Imvepi,  and Kyaka II refugee   settlements
Start   Date Immediately

Job  Purpose  

The overall purpose of the job is to provide technical support to  the project team and supervise the implementation of the different Psychotherapy interventions delivered by Social Workers at both group and individual  levels.


Responsibilities      Related   to  project    implementation     

✓   Clinical Supervision: The Clinical Psychologist will be responsible for supervising Social Workers and providing     guidance throughout implementation of Project MHPSS intervention approaches.

✓   Case management; build up case management repository for the project in accordance to the standard case management   principles and TPO Uganda case management   process.

✓   Assessment    and   diagnosis;   provide    guidance   towards     the   use   of  various    global    and internal   assessment  tools   in relation   to  project   needs   and  in accordance   with  diagnosis.

✓    Mainstream    PSS   into   all   projects     activities   and   build    resource   materials   for   MHPSS adaptable  to the  project   according  to the  project   theory   of change.

✓   Capacity  strengthening    and  enhancement;   Train  Social  Workers,  partners    and  Community Support    Structures   on   MHPSS,  mhGAP    HIG,   PFA  and   any   other    skills   as  required     by project   objectives   and   arising    needs    during    implementation

✓   Provide    support    supervision,   consultation,    mentorship,   and   specialized   clinical care   to   beneficiaries,   and   support    Social   Workers  to   manage    complex   MHPSS cases

✓  Supervise and support   implementation  of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy  sessions, Psychological     first    Aid,    problem     management    Plus    as   well    as   provision    of psychoeducation  and  awareness  raising  to the  community.

✓   Conduct    quarterly    review   meetings    with  community   support    structure    members  to  review progress,   challenges   and   developing    actions    to  improve    psychosocial   work   across   the refugee   settlements/   project   scope.

✓   Participate   in  all  MHPSS   settlements   and   District   MHPSS   related    meetings    and   Working Groups




Masters   in Clinical   Psychology.

Membership   of  any  psychology   Association   is an added   advantage.

Research  experience   and  sound   clinical   practice   experience   is an added   advantage. How  to apply:



Please   send  your  CV,  letter   of  interest   and  academic  documents   with  3 work   related   referees via  email:  jobs@tpoug.org    . Include   your  salary   history   for  the  past  3 years   (Attached   as  one document     of  not  more   than   2MBs).   visit:  www.tpoug.org 

Deadline: June  20th   2024.

TPO Uganda is an equal opportunities employer that does not discriminate on any basis.
Please note that this offer of employment is made to you with the understanding that you do not have a history of fraud or sexual offenses. In  accordance     with   the  TPO  Uganda's    Anti- Fraud   and  PSHEA   Policies   2021,  you   are  expected     to  abide   and   comply    with   the  terms   and conditions     therein   at all  times.  Any   violation    of  this  and  other   policies    is highly   punishable     as per  guidelines     indicated    in the  various   policies   and  laws  of  Uganda.

Employment Type
TPO Uganda
Job Location
Bidibidi, Imvepi, and Kyaka II refugee settlements
Base Salary
Date posted
June 11, 2024
Valid through
June 20, 2024
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