Disaster Risk Prevention and Response

This strategic objective focuses on building the resilience of vulnerable communities to cope better with manmade and natural shocks and stressors. The objective aligns with Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, 3, 11, and 13 call for Disaster Risk Reduction. Our work under this objective focuses on identifying and supporting communities at great risk of disasters to develop capabilities to identify and assess risks and disaster vulnerabilities. Under the emergency response, our work focuses on providing life-saving support to the urgent needs of new arrivals and building their resilience to cope better with the new life. Our Disaster risk prevention and response approaches include the following;

DRR Focus Areas for 2022-2027

Over the next five years, TPO will to seek to support communities at great risk of disasters to develop capabilities to identify and assess risks and disaster vulnerabilities, prepare communities in prevention mechanisms, build community early warning mechanisms, support communities during emergency situations when disaster strike and build their capacity to cope with disasters both manmade and natural.