Our VISion

A society where individuals enjoy mental health and socio-economic wellbeing

Our Mission

To empower communities improve their mental health and socio-economic wellbeing


TPO Uganda is a Non-Governmental Organization that started its work in Uganda as Institute for Psychosocial and social ecological Research (I.P.S.E.R) in 1994 with a study commissioned by UNHCR on the mental health and psychosocial issues affecting South Sudanese. Upon identification of significant MHPSS issues and needs, UNHCR supported TPO to implement the study recommendations. This gave birth to the TPO programs in Uganda. Later, TPO expanded its MHPSS programming in other countries including Somalia, South Sudan, Congo and Liberia. Over the years, TPO gradually moved its interventions to underserved national communities that were also in need of support.

Our work covers

Year end comes with lots of mission and donor field visits. Towards the end of #2024, @TpoUg joined a delegation of @eu_echo @UNHCRuganda & other partners for a donor courtesy visit in #KiryandongoRefugeeSettlement to appreciate initiatives aimed at improving refugee welfare


2024 was a momentous year for @TpoUg; it marked #30YearsofTransformingLives since inception in #1994. Today, our team took time to scan through #2024, reflecting on our impact. The conversation aims at showcasing what we achieved & why it matters. Coming soon #2024AnnualReport


Grace's story is a testament to the power of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in breathing hope into the lives of many women and girl refugees thanks to a great and fruitful partnership between @TpoUg and @unwomenuganda @UN_Women @unwomenEU

We start #2025 on a high note recommiting to making a lasting impact with #GBVPrevention and #ChildProtection as @TpoUg Gulu Field-Office staff joined partners for #GBVChildProtection coordination meeting laying ground for continued collaboration towards improved #Childwellbeing

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